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Meetings, Agendas and Minutes - North Cadbury and Yarlington Parish Council

One Parish Council serves two civil parishes - North Cadbury (which incorporates Galhampton and Woolston) and Yarlington.

The Parish Council meets every fourth Wednesday of the month as a general rule, with the exception of August and December, in one of the three village halls at 7.00pm.  Notices of meetings are posted on the Parish Noticeboards and on this website.  In addition Annual Parish Meetings are held in North Cadbury and Yarlington.  Members of the public are encouraged to attend Parish Council meetings and are permitted to raise any matters relevant to the parishes early in each meeting so that they do not have to stay for the whole meeting unless they wish to do so.  Officially members of the public do not join in discussions on agenda items but the Chairman is often sympathetic when someone wishes to make a contribution to the debate, especially when they have special knowledge.

27/11/2024 Ordinary Meeting

23/10/2024 Ordinary Meeting

25/09/2024 Ordinary Meeting

24/07/2024 Ordinary Meeting

17/07/2024 On Site Planning Meeting Agenda

10/07/2024 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda

26/06/2024 Ordinary Meeting Agenda Minutes (Unapproved)

12/06/2024 On Site Planning Meeting Agenda Minutes

22/05/2024 North Cadbury Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

22/05/2024 Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

24/04/2024 Ordinary Meeting Agenda Minutes

24/04/2024 Yarlington Annual Parish Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Chairman's Report 2023/24, Attachment 2 - Yarl Village Hall Chair Report, Attachment 3 - Yarlington PCC Report 2023/24, Attachment 4 - Cllr Viney Yarlington Annual Report

10/04/2024 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda Minutes - Cadbury Business Park, NC, Minutes - Home Farm, NC

27/03/2024 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Highways Report Mar 24, Attachment 2 - Report on LCN Meeting Feb 24

11/03/2024 On Site Planning Meeting Agenda Minutes

21/02/2024 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Highways Report Feb 24

12/02/2024 On Site Planning Meeting Agenda Minutes

24/01/2024 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Precept 2024_25, Attachment 2 - Supporting Notes on Precept 2024_25, Attachment 3 - Highways Report Jan 24

08/01/2024 On Site Planning Meeting Agenda Minutes - Land adjoining Kerian, NC

11/12/2023 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda Minutes - Old Hunt Farm, Galhampton, Minutes - Yarlington Mill Farm, Minutes - Stags Head Inn Nomination for ACV

22/11/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Flood Update November 2023, Attachment 2 - Highways Report Nov 23, Attachment 3 - Report on Police and Crime Mtg

13/11/2023 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda Minutes - Land adjoining Cadbury Business Park, NC, Minutes - 10 High Street North Cadbury

25/10/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Black 8 Report to PC Oct 23, Attachment 2 - Highways Report Oct 23, Attachment 3 - PPLO Report Oct 23

27/09/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Flood Update September 2023, Attachment 2 - Highways Report Sep 23

12/09/2023 On Site Planning Meeting Agenda Minutes

08/08/2023 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda Minutes - 10 High Street North Cadbury, Minutes - Garden House, North Cadbury, Minutes - Horseshoe Cottage, Woolston, NC, Minutes - Southfields, Galhampton, Minutes - Lawn Cottage, Galhampton

26/07/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - RoW Report Jul 23

28/06/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Highways Report Jun 23, Attachment 2 - RoW Report Jun 23

13/06/2023 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda Minutes - Yarlington Mill Farm, Minutes - Lawn Cottage, Galhampton

24/05/2023 North Cadbury Annual Parish Meeting Agenda MinutesChairman's Report 2022/23

24/05/2023 Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda Minutes

24/05/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Highways Report May 23

16/05/2023 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda Minutes - Woolston Barns NC, Minutes - 8 The Courtyard, NC

09/05/2023 On Site Planning Meeting - CANX FLOODING Agenda

26/04/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Highways Report Apr 23, Attachment 2 - RoW Report Apr 23

26/04/2023 Yarlington Annual Parish Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Cllr Maria Viney PC Yarlington, Attachment 2 - Yarl PCC St Marys Church, Attachment 3 - Chairman's Report 2022_23

12/04/2023 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda Old Hunt Farm, Galhampton, 6 Cutty Cottages, North Cadbury

22/03/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 2 - Highways Report Mar 23

22/02/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Rights of Way Report Feb 23, Attachment 2 - Highways Report Feb 23

08/02/2023 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda Land north of Hill Ash Farm, Woolston Rd, NC, Chanters, High St, NC

18/01/2023 Ordinary Meeting Agenda MinutesAttachment 1 - Precept 2023_24, Attachment 2 - Supporting Notes on Precept 2023_24, Attachment 3 - Highways Report Jan 23

11/01/2023 On Site Planning Meetings Agenda North Town Farm, NC, Three Ashes Cottage, NC, Rumah Kitah, Galhampton

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